Results for The Laxey Team Fun Enduro - 11 Dec 2021

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PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth

Grand Vet Men (50-59)

8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth

Junior Men (U19)

8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth

Master Men (30-39)

8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth

Senior Men (19-29)

8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth

Super Vet Men (60+)

8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth

Veteran Men (40-49)

8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth


8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth


PosNo.NameTeamTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth


8 controls

PosNo.NameTeamClassTimeBehindDupedCritical ThinkerTin HattersFlat Earth